Sunday, June 3, 2007


During tonight's Democratic presidential primary debate, the candidates were asked a question: if you knew where Osama Bin Laden was and had 20 minutes to act and you knew that you could take him out with a missile strike but innocent people would die along with Osama Bin Lade, would you fire the missiles? The first candidate to speak was Kucinich, who predictably said no. Then Hillary spoke, and did she ever! Hillary's response was something along the lines of 'it depends on how many people would die and blah blah blah'. The very fact that she equivocated for even a half a second adter all her BS about how our current Shrub-in-Chief went after Saddam instead of Osama tells me everything I need to know about her. As for me, if I knew that Osama was somewhere in downtown Karachi or Islamabad, I'd nuke the whole damn city to make sure I got that murderous son of a bitch. Pakistan ain't going after him, so they are as guilty as the Taliban was in Afghanistan. You know where the big towel headed murderer is, you get him. Sorry for the loss of innocent lives. You nuke him and then apologize. And if you can do it with less than a nuke and you are equivocating on the number of lives lost??? You have to be F**KING KIDDING ME! I am guessing this torpedoes her chances of winning the Democratic primary. If not, the Republicans just won the general election. That is a sound bite for the ages

Who won? Obama didn't screw up, so I guess he won. Kucinich defined himself as even more of an "kooky-niche" candidate, but hey -what else is new? Obviously he is not running to win, just to make a point. Richardson was my clear favorite and if there are enough conservative Dems out there, he might still be able to get back in the hunt in spite of his reportedly poor performance on "Meet the Press". The rest of the field was not even noticeable. Including Edwards.

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